Honduras has been devastated by two major hurricanes!! Help Mercy Chefs get relief to those in urgent need...

Hurricanes Eta and Iota have struck Central America as massive storms, each dumping 20-40 inches of rain on parts of Honduras causing immense flooding. The floodwaters have gone over the rooftops.

Mercy Chefs is bringing relief to the people of Honduras who have been so devastated by this storm. We are on he ground providing water purification, Family Survival Meal Packs, and other emergency relief to hard-hit areas.

Thousands upon thousands are in desperate need. Once again, the Lord is opening a door for Mercy Chefs to help. Just $30 will help feed THREE families of four for five days; $50 feeds FIVE FAMILIES. Please complete the form below to make your tax-deductible gift directly to Mercy Chefs.

To support Mercy Chefs by check, please print this page and mail it with your check to: Mercy Chefs, c/o Grassroots Action, P.O. Box 9095, Chesapeake, VA 23321


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