Help Texas Flood Victims

With Texas once again deluged by massive flooding, we need your help to provide hot meals to victims and volunteers...

With as much as FOUR FEET of rain hitting coastal Texas, dangerous and devastating flooding has once again returned to the region. There have been more than 1,000 high water rescues. The city of Beaumont, Texas, has seen 250 such rescues and has received 270 emergency evacuation requests. Our contacts in Beaumont say it is the worst flooding they have seen, even worse than in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey in 2017.

Mercy Chefs is deploying chefs and a mobile kitchen to the region to provide hot meals to flood victims and the quick response teams that come in just behind the flooding in an effort to save as many homes as possible. Thousands

Our resources our stretched and we need your help! It costs just $50 to help Mercy Chefs provide 20 hot meals to hurricane victims. Perhaps you can donate $100 (40 meals), $250 (100 meals), $500 (200), $1,000 (400 meals), or more.  Complete the form below to make your tax-deductible gift to help Mercy Chefs respond to the Texas flooding while continue other vital efforts

To support Mercy Chefs by check, please print this page and mail it with your check to: Mercy Chefs, c/o Grassroots Action, P.O. Box 9095, Chesapeake, VA 23321


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